About My Real Life Tips
Thank you for stopping by the site! I am Laura and I am currently working in an IT Industry. My favorite things to do when I am not at work are: Eat, Cook, Share the Recipes, Travel, Play Volleyball (the LOVE of my Life!!) and Work-out at the gym.
As you are aware by the website’s name myreallifetips.com, I share Life Tips that my friends/family or I have experienced like Health Tips, Restaurant Tips, Recipes, Travel Tips and many more!
The recipes that I share on my website are those that I have made it myself. It is either from my Mom’s old recipes or the recipes that my boyfriend (Francis) makes and I learn from it!
Knowing that there are a lot of 9-5 employees who have to cook for their family when they come home from a long day of work and long commute. My goal is to ensure that the recipes are SIMPLE, QUICK and EASY to make yet TASTY and DELICIOUS!
Travel Tips:
The Travel Tips on this site are from my Adventures. I LOVE to eat and take FOOD and SCENERY pictures to share. In addition, I love to share tips that I learn on my trip.
Health Tips:
The Health Tips on this site are from my own or friends’ /Family’s experience.
Restaurant Tips:
The Restaurant Tips are all the local restaurants in Toronto, Ontario that I have dined in and loved and would recommend others to visit. If I don’t think it is worth a visit, it won’t be on this site.
The charities that I support annually are: Sick Kids Volleyball Tournament, Operations Christmas Child – Shoeboxes, Food Bank and Ride for Heart.
Advertising and Amazon Links
We do receive a small commission for any sales made from these links. These commissions, plus any fees from ads that are displayed on the site, support the running of My Real Life Tips.
Thank you for helping us keep the Site running to share more recipes with everyone!